animist herbal

An herbal apprenticeship that encompasses the complexity of the
Taoist cosmology through the practice of the moving body.

Plant medicine.
Daoist cosmology.
Diagnostic tools.

an apprenticeship of what I practice
9 months, 3 in person weekends, and online.

begins June 2025 ~ applications due May 31st

The impulse behind the offering.

People have been asking lately, “how do you know what you know?”

Several years ago, I looked up from my listening spot and the land said, “I think it’s time you take what you know about plant medicine and re-weave it with what you know about movement medicine.” Everything I know deeply I’ve found in my moving body, listening to a place whether it be a body or a meadow, and researching the answers until I’ve exhausted all perspectives. Movement is a memory palace for me, and I can only really grasp tricky concepts by taking them in through my feet. The Daoist system (which might also be called a pagan, indigenous, or animist system of knowledge) is complex, but I’ve (begun) to understand this system through qigong and the weaving of physical intelligence.

Like trying to make a basket, at first all the reeds or sticks are straight, and bending them into a sphere is chaotic. But after rounds and rounds of surrendering to the pattern - the repeated weave - a different shape emerges. Warp and weft, weavers and stakes, verticals and horizontals for the web that can hold anything.

I apply this to my practice as an herbalist, as a parent, and an artist living creatively. It’s not new or different, and it’s nothing that isn’t always coming off the earth. It’s just an attuned, systematic listening practice, with many concepts that challenge the way the western world thinks about the body, the planet, and what healing is. One might call it an animist practice.

What is animism?

Animism is a term first coined by anthropologists in the late 19th century to describe the belief systems of indigenous peoples around the world. Anime=life. (It’s an unfortunate synchronicity that presently, we’re most likely to think of a cartoon when we hear this word, which is the very antithesis to ‘life’.). Animism is a belief, since we can’t know that the soulful world is breathing with us until we allow the thought to enter our minds. I’m quite weary of beliefs, especially systematic ones, but it only takes a tiny shift of attention to understand that we are nothing without our place, and to regard a tree or river or stone is also to be regarded right back. This is not a transmission, an insight, or (my personal favorite) a ‘download’.

This is a view: we are living, breathing, and sleeping in an animate world.

and what is herbalism?

My entry into formal herbalism was a slow one. When I first moved to the Pacific coast I found myself in front of a plant I didn’t know (many in fact). It was a little lacy thing standing upright on the crumbling edge of a cliff, and seemed quite comfortable there. I was drawn to the smell of the tight fist of flowers, the scrappy stem, the leaves like lace. I was awake enough to follow this attraction, and this plant became my safe place wherever I found it. I heard its name over and over in my head though I truly had never heard it spoken before - I might even say now that it literally pulled my body toward it. I finally heard its name aloud months later, hiking with a friend, who flippantly pointed out a patch of ‘yarrow’. I now know this plant is an incredible boundary medicine, the master of the blood, and grows nearly everywhere. I might have known all of this in those first moments by the cliff, but I doubted the communication. Listening takes consistent practice. For me, this is herbalism at its root: listening to plants, to people, and to the inherent reciprocal relationship we share.

We - plants and people - shape each other, and care for each other on the most subtle and profound levels.

This apprenticeship is a weaving of the systems that lead to a holistic understanding of health - both planetary and personal.

the big ideas.

Orient. In the realm of ‘healing’ (which for the record I don’t do, it is happening on it’s own, all the time), we’ll dive into the Daoist fundamentals of the Three Treasures, The Elemental Map, Plant Medicine from an energetic perspective and formulating holistically.

Move. Qigong is the root that Daoism grew from. We will practice qigong in each session, establishing a base and learning through moving. We’ll play with the concepts creatively, and apply our individual perspectives/lineage/landscape to each concept. Circulation is the key to all life. Stagnation is the peril of the body.

Listen. We’ll get lost in the woods together and learn some of the fundamentals of tracking and reading a landscape. This is observational practice, perhaps our most vital. We’ll apply this to formulating and learning diagnostic skills - with a light touch and a lot of spaciousness.

Practice. There is nothing I think any of us has to teach another than what we practice, which can only really be taught by practicing. We’ll practice all the threads already named. We’ll practice giving feedback and working as a small flock, guided by the plants.

who might you be?

There are no prerequisites for this offering. However, you will probably want to know something about herbal medicine, maybe you’ve studied for a couple of years elsewhere, have a budding practice as an herbalist, or would like to. Maybe you’ve studies with me in various classes, and are wanting more. You’ll want to be excited to be in the woods and in the garden in various weather conditions, and be up for diving into some content that is both heady and physically asserting.

I’d like to explicitly say this is an open gate for any/all genders and ages. Please know if you are a man, a teen, a transqueerabundant elder, etc., you are welcome.

the nuts and bolts (berries and roots).

3 Weekend Immersions
in-person in Montague, Mass*

June 27-29, 2025

Oct. 24-26, 2025

March 27-29, 2026

10am-4pm daily
(+ Saturday evening event)

5 Online/Live Workshops

July 19, 2025

Sept. 13, 2025

Nov. 15, 2025

Jan. 17, 2026

Feb. 21, 2026

12-4pm EST

Foundational Practices

Weekly QiGong ~
join my weekly online/live qigong class on Fridays (about 30 classes from June-March).

Private Session ~
book an individual session with me to process this content/experience during the course of the year.

*Accommodations are not included for the weekend immersions. There are several local airbnbs that you can book with other participants, or camp on the land for $25/night with rustic kitchen and bathroom accommodations. These are our most important/immersive weekends, and cannot be missed.

join in on the fun!

Sliding scale: $1850 / 1750 / 1550

Limited scholarships and payment plans are available as well. Please include this request in your application.

Applications due by May 31st

Last thoughts….

Nothing I do seems particularly easy to identify, sell, or certify. I think we are all tired of being spoon-fed the simplest ideas. This apprenticeship is not a simple idea. In fact, I’ll say right now that you will not find a syllabus here, powerpoints, or even a clear notion of where you may end up at the year’s end. I also respectfully back away from anyone who’d like to have me as their ‘teacher’, ‘master’, or ‘guru’. I like to practice breaking down hierarchical structures attached to learning and experiencing. I think the kind of learning needed right now is emergent, collaborative, and rooted in place. So that’s what this is.

“Nature is all there is, self-arising and self-resolving, in circulation.  If that’s the case, what are we?  Spontaneously arising nature - looking at itself.”
-Clarissa Gunawan